Wednesday, May 21, 2008

TWD: Madeleines

This week's chosen recipe out of the Baking book was Madeleines. I had to buy a brand new pan for this activity (I'm a sucker for new equipment that I don't need), but it wasn't too expensive, and I think I'll bake a lot of Madeleines. They are a pretty tasty, easy cookie. It took a few minutes to make, and the recipe only makes 12 cookies, which means no extra cookies I have to eat all by myself. I think they'll be a great compliment for 'game night' (often talked-about, yet rarely occuring). They are like mini cakes. Delicious.


Sarah said...

Ah, I know all to well about 'game night' (often talked-about, yet rarely occuring). And about not wanting to eat all the leftovers. My new thing is baking something and then making Randy take it to work so that I won't eat it. You're Madeleines look really tasty! Nice work!

Cecilia said...

Great job with the madeleines! You seemed to have made a good investment in the baking pans. They look very pretty.

Jayne said...

Nice job!

Rebecca of "Ezra Pound Cake" said...

I was so glad this recipe made only 12, but I really want to try some chocolate-dipped ones. Then my husband will help me eat them. ;)


Jaime said...

great job! looks like did not have any mold sticking issues like some of the other bakers had...

LyB said...

They look beautiful! A perfect mix of a cake and a cookie, in my opinion. :)