Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Education of My Little Ones

Ever try taking a two year old out for an educational trip with a five month old in tow? Remember that recent report about how the first and last child tend to have the highest IQs, and that the only hope for your children is, essentially, treat them like an only child--don't have them too close together. Sorry kids. Think maybe this is why I'm content with baking from home right now.
This is Elizabeth and John at the Imaginarium for their duckling display.

Elizabeth wasn't into it for some reason...Think that was just a bad day. We went out for hot dogs in downtown Anchorage, which is more our speed for now.

It must look bad, she's always eating junk food. I promise this isn't really the case! It's for the camera! That root beer in the photo was NOT Elizabeth's! OK, I admit she gets SOME sugar, and maybe, just maybe, that's why educational trips are a bomb. We're working on that.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Elizabeth is just so cute! How come you get a doll?
We all know that Elizabeth doesn't get sugar. You're a good mom! Can you raise mine for me? HA!