I'm on a losing streak.
They look like toasted marshmallow mini pies. But no, that's just my merengue.
Maybe my heart wasn't in it. But that can't explain my losing streak. I also made flan out of my Baking book last weekend and failed at that as well. The custard-bath setup was too much for me. Boo-hoo! Karma's against me this week.
Hang in there. If you're having a spring in AK like we're having here in MN (COLD), I'm sure you're mightily sick of it. It's enough to give anyone a bad baking mojo. I'll bet they still tasted good. Hopefully the meringue tasted like toasted marshmallows : )
oh no, sorry about your over toasty meringue, but that first photo still makes it look nice and creamy on the inside!
No worries. Its slightly toasty meringue. Its all good. How did you like the pie?
Clara @ I♥food4thought
It will get better! We all have bad streaks of luck and then it turns around! Your first picture of the pies makes them look very creamy. yum!
Everybody has those streaks - I'm sure you'll snap out of it :) I hope they still tasted good!
First of all, you get kudos for even making this with such small children. When my kids were that age, I could barely form complete sentences!!
They sure look appetizing to me, but I ain't a fan of pale meriangue so there ya go.
Sometimes it's just fun to try. Right? You are brave for trying meringue with such little ones who we all know never provide distract you in the kitchen.
Hey - blame the kids! That's what they're there for!! (I have two of my own.) And I'm just kidding. But I agree with the others - it's a tough job trying to bake AND tend the children, especially when they're that small. But stick with it - they get bigger and actually become helpful. And you'll be giving them great memories and, eventually, when they're tall enough, lots of kitchen skills! Oh - and I actually like burnt marshmallows in my s'mores, so your darker pies don't look bad at all to me! :)
It happens. I actually kinda like the toasty meringue look. My first pie for my mother in law came out like a burnt marshmallow. Carlo laughed and said why he felt we should have gotten a mini blowtorch ages ago. I hope your pie tasted good. I like the filling.
It happens. I actually kinda like the toasty meringue look. My first pie for my mother in law came out like a burnt marshmallow. Carlo laughed and said why he felt we should have gotten a mini blowtorch ages ago. I hope your pie tasted good. I like the filling.
I hate when that happens. They are streaks which come to an end! Sorry about your meringue. Maybe it is the start of a coconut lime smore pie!
Ah man - hope they still tasted good! (And I'm with cb and the others, toasty is tasty :)
Keep trying! As long as it tastes good, nobody cares if it's a little too toasty!
Sorry you had some issues. The inside looks great though! :)
Here's wishing the bad luck streak will go away.
Julius from Occasional Baker
Hey, you can always spoon off that top layer and top with whipped cream!!!
it's ok, my meringue was a flop too! better luck next week
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