Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Snowy Day Hot Chocolate

Last weekend we made cappuccino marshmallows and raspberry marshmallows. The raspberry marshmallows were my favorite, at first, but the cappuccino is growing on me. I wasn't sure what to do with the marshmallows, other than make hot cocoa for the aforementioned return of winter, so I copied someone else's idea and made rice crispy treats as well. The treats are much more gooey than I am used to--especially with the cappuccino marshies. Think maybe my rice crispy ratio should have been increased? One taster called them down right soggy.

The marshies were delicious with a vanilla steamer and a mocha. What a treat! Just wish we would've thought of s'mores, too!


Annemarie said...

Great job! We had ours with hot chocolate, too...April, or not!

Donna said...

Love your little taste-tester!
I never thought to put them in hot cocoa...duh!
We just ate them as is and dipped in chocolate ganache!

Natalie said...

Great job :) I loved mine in the hot chocolate/coffee thing I mixed up this morning...

Shari@Whisk: a food blog said...

Hot chocolate, vanilla steamer and marshmallows - yum! Great job! Thanks for the tip about using more rice krispies when using homemade marshmallows.

Bumblebutton said...

I just finished my last (stale) marshmallow in my cup of coffee. Yummy! Your flavor choices sounded just great!

LyB said...

Wow, that is a lot of marshmallows! They look delicious!

Sarah said...

You are so creative, how did that happen? This might sound like a silly question, but could you use them for flavored fudge?

Anonymous said...

The photo with your daughter is priceless!

Cecilia said...

Good job with the marshmallows. Your daughter looks so adorable!

Someone else had made rice krispies with these marshmallows and said that they were too gooey. Maybe these marshmallows are softer than store bought ones?